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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 8, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST

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everybody. it is thursday, march 8, 2012. welcome to studio 57 at the cbs broadcast center. i'm charlie rose. millions of americans are waking up to near record temperatures this morning. we'll show you how the mild winter is impacting our economy and as the u.s. explores military options in syria, we'll talk with foreign relations chairman, john kerry. i'm erica hill. a teenager is shot to death inside a gated community in florida and the man who admits to killing him remains free. peyton manning calling his next play as the nfl teams line up to sign him. >> i'm gayle king. the pentagon takes on a growing problem. young people too out of shape to
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serve. the forbes billionaires list is out. we have the youngest self-made woman to make the list. she's behind the phenomenon known as spanx. we're nuts about her. the great tony bennett is stopping by. first, as we do every morning, we begin with a look at today's eye-opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> either blizzarding or freezing. this is strange. >> temperatures rise from the rockies to the east coast. >> had winter has officially been labeled the warmest in a decade. >> i believe that it's going to be impossible for a moderate to win the general election. >> gop hopefuls reject calls to drop out of the race in the wake of super tuesday. >> i'm not saying i don't want him out. i'm all for him getting out. i wish president obama would hand me the thing. that's not going to happen. >> there is a chance that some power grids will be interrupted and gps service disrupted by a massive solar storm. >> satellite images show iran is
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trying to clean up something at a suspected nuclear site. it's possibly evidence that it was test itting a nuclear trigger. >> thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. i truly have enjoyed being your quarterback. >> what uniform will peyton manning wear next season. >> i don't know who is interested. look, the miami dolphins have a great organization. >> announcing the new ipad. >> the biggest draw is this new high definition screen. >> if apple came out with app old potato, where do i get it? i've got to have it. >> mexican tycoon carlos limb remained his top on the forbes list. >> jessica simpson is on the cover of this magazine. she's well, really naked and yes, she is really pregnant. >> all that. >> looks like somebody might have fainted up here. ha have we got ems? folks do this all the time in my
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meetings. >> and all that matters imt on "cbs this morning." >> as you say, black don't crack. chinese stays fine-ese [ laughter ] chinese stays fine-ese [ laughter ] captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." no matter where you live, as you head out the door this morning, you can probably leave your winter coat behind. tens of millions of americans will see unusually warm weather today. atlanta can look forward to its 75 degree day. temperatures in washington, d.c. are expected to hit 71 degrees. here in new york city, they're predicting highs in the upper 60s. >> and it's not just today, actually. we're coming to the end of the warmest winter in more than a decade. the fourth warmest on record in the united states. business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis shows us how it's impacting the economy. a little good and bad there. becky, good morning. >> it's true, erica. this winter is also breaking
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records for its lack of snow. it is the third smallest winter snow cover across the country in nearly half a century. across much of the country this year, old man winter has been a virtual no show. from des moines to d.c. and new york. i'm almost ready to wear a bathing suit. >> great to see the sun, be outside without jackets and mittens and gloves. >> last winter, new york suffered under the weight of nearly 61 inches of snow and bone chilling temperatures. crews dumped more than 300,000 tons of salt on city roads. today, that stockpile remains mostly intact. >> i've never seen winter this warm. it's been freezing or blizzarding. this is really strange. >> minneapolis has seen just 22 inches of snow. last winter the city got a whopping 86. enough to bring down the metrodome. residents are also soaking up the sun in chicago where the average temperature this year is
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6 degrees above normal. >> for this past winter, the la nina was weakening. therefore shall the waters over the pacific were warming up. the northern jet stream was not as poet end at the temperatures weren't as cold. >> not everyone is enjoying the nicer weather. from allergy sufferers struggling with an early pollen season. >> grade a medium, grade a dark, grade b. >> to maple syrup producers who rely on frigid temperatures to get the sap flowing. >> this is going to cost us about $10,000. >> the biggest concern for forecasters now is that the early thaw could trigger more severe weather systems like last week's deadly tornado outbreak. >> it means more moisture and that means a better chance for thunderstorms and also the chance for tornadoes. also, in the upcoming hurricane season, warm waters are one. key ingredients that hurricanes gain actual from. >> pleased to have rebecca jarvis at the table. what is the economic impact?
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>> the biggest one for consumers is you'll see a decrease or you have in your heating bills. utilities costs are down 10% this winter. that's a big one for people who are dealing with $4 gasoline. it sort of offset that. also on the jobs front, we're seeing more construction jobs, outdoor jobs are easier to come by at this time of year. in january, construction jobs were up 52,000. more new homes have broken ground. and state budgets and city budget have been better off this winter than previous times because they're not spending on the overtime on the salt and on as much snow clearing. >> the tough part is you can nef count on the weather. is this a temporary boost or could some of these have a lasting impact on the economy? >> 66% of economists think this is a temporary thing. the reason they say that is we're coming into the normal spring and summer season where things are warm. things start to normalize in that period.
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also, with gasoline prices continuing to rise, that may offset some of these benefits. but everybody, obviously, you don't know. you can never tell what the weather is going to be. that can impact the economy. >> we'll enjoy it while we can. becky, thanks. >> thank you. if your cell phone or gps seems like it's on the fritz this morning. we may have the explanation for you. check this out. it's a massive solar storm. the largest in five years slamming into the earth. it a erupt frd the sun's surface this week. this cloud of charged particles could disrupt, utility grids, satellite networks and airline flights. in the battle for control of syria, president obama is now asking the pentagon to study u.s. military options. that was revealed yesterday at a senate haerpg. republican john mccain criticized defense secretary leon panetta for not backing air strikes against syria's government. >> how many additional civilian lives have to be lost in order to convince you that the
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military measures of this kind, that we're proposing necessary to end the killing and force to leave power, how many more have to die? >> clarissa ward has been following the story. she's in beirut, lebanon this morning. clarissa, any talk of military action suggested by senator mccain in. >> well, i think certainly rebels inside the country will absolutely embrace senator mccain's comments. every rebel fighter we met there said the same thing. we're desperate for weapons. we need communication systems. we need training. we cannot win this fight alone. i think there's likely to be a healthy degree of skepticism. people in syria do not think america has taken a proactive stance. it's unlikely they'll be convinced immediately that senator mccain's comments mean a change is afoot. >> how long can this stretch out
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if there's no military support for the rebels? >> well, already we're hearing reports from inside the country that they have run out of bullets. that the prices of weapons are simply skyrocketing out of control. that they are not receiving any supply line, any money from outside sources and lots of these individual rebel groups are suffering enormously. as we saw in the city of homs, it's clear that without training, without supplies, without money, these rebels simply cannot fight or win this fight alone. >> clarissa, there are also the humanitarian needs. we're hearing more about medical supplies or the lack thereof. what more do we know about that in terms of a situation? >> the syrian government had been promises the international red cross that it would gain access to the hardest hit area for the last six days. finally yesterday they allowed in aid workers and u.n. aid chief valerie amos, she's in
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syria now trying to negotiate for the free passage to the hardest hit areas. but certainly there are no indications yet that this mission will be successful. >> clarissa, thank you. now from capitol hill, democratic senator john kerry. he is, as you know, chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. good morning, senator. >> good morning, charlie. >> senator, you have made a number of visits to syria before this crisis started. you know president assad well and had conversations with him. should we at this time follow the advice of senator mccain and engage in military strikes? is it that serious and is that the right thing to do? >> it is that serious. is that the right thing to do right now? i think not. you have to lay groundwork. the united states can't jump up one morning and saylet drop bombs on syrian tanks. there has to be a legal
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foundation and some understanding with the gulf states and the arab league and there also has to be a better understanding of exactly who you're helping and how you're helping them. i think it is imperative to help. i'm sympathetic with john mccain's passion about this. i think we all share a sense of deep frustration. nobody wants to be sitting on the sidelines watching people be killed against the tyrannical efforts of the military and a small governing fleet, which is what it's reduced to. you have to do this in a responsive way. i think they're reaching out and trying to get a better identity of the syrian national council, of the leadership. we're trying to identify more effectively the syrian, free syrian army personnel. we need to get them united. they're not even united with one voice yet, charlie. and there are serious questions about the -- syria is not libya.
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they have a sophisticated air defense system and they have a stronger military. there are different questions about who we're dealing with. we're working, i think everybody is working, the administration, the congress, to answer those questions request and to approach this in as responsible a way as possible. must something be done? yes. >> particularly with the humanitarian assistance. >> how long with the crisis as it it is, how long to get an answer to those questions? >> no matter what anybody does, this situation is unfortunately, going to continue for some period of time. president assad is running low on his reserves, on the money reserves. i think there is a building opposition. hopefully, we can persuade the russians to join us in a significant effort here. the russian, chinese veto, unfortunately, gave a kind of get out of jail card to the
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assad regime and license on what has happened. i think as that's recognized, hopefully we can have a more united front, move quickly on the humanitarian front and move quickly to try to unify the opposition and deal with known entities. >> let me turn to your op-ed about mitt romney, the republican candidate. you made the point that there are not the kind of differences between him and president obama on iran. do you see no differences at all between candidate romney and president obama? >> oh, i see a profound difference. the difference is president obama is acting like a president, a commander in chief and like a states person and mitt romney is behaving like an irresponsible candidate, frankly. because everything that he laid out in his op-ed, president obama is already doing. what he's doing is setting up straw men, basically trying to argue a case, say i'm strong,
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you're weak without any evidence supporting it whatsoever, charlie. i mean, everything that mitt romney laid out that he said he might do president obama has done or is in the middle of expanding. sanctions are tightening and expanding, president obama has taken the nuclear threat seriously. more seriously than any other president in the sense that he is securing loose nuclear material around the world and set a goal of doing that within four years. he has isolated iran. iran is more isolated than before. the sanctions are tougher than any put in place. i think this is not a time for politic. it is a time for a responsible, nonpolitical america united approach to a very serious challenge. and we need to try to find a diplomatic solution before we beat the drums of war. >> senator kerry, good to have you on "cbs this morning." thank you for joining us. >> thank you, sir. let the peyton manning
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sweepstakes begin. a few hours after his career with the colts ended yesterday, the star quarterback arrived in florida where he has has a home. the dolphins are one of several teams hoping to sign manning. in an emotional news conference, manning says he leaves indianapolis with nothing but good thoughts. >> i haven't thought about where i'll play. but i have thought a lot about where i've been and i've truly been blessed. i've been blessed to play here. i've been blessed to be in the nfl. and as i go, i go with just a few words left to say. a few words i want to address to colts fans everywhere. thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. i truly have enjoyed being your quarterback. >> with us now, peter king, senior writer for sports illustrated and bill cowher
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former coach for the pittsburgh steelers. good morning. >> good morning charlie. >> did it almost make you tear up when you say peyton manning almost tearing up? >> it was an emotional inning to watch, charlie. because that guy is such a control freak that he doesn't tear up. you know, he just gets the job done. that's why it stunned me. >> what do we know about his injury and how physical he is impaired in terms of the greatness he's shown on the field? >> he knows his strength is back right now. he's talking about his throwing and his workouts. i think all indications are that the strength is back. until he takes a hit, until he gets in the middle of a game, we aren't going to know what the long-term ramifications are of those four surgeries. i think there's a lot of questions still out there about that. right now, his health is very good. >> sitting next to me is a football fan. >> married to a colts fan who is having a rough morning today. how does that weigh into, though, this unknown in terms of what happened had peyton takes
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that first hit. how does that weigh into any team's decision to pick him up? >> i think any team that signs him or looks into him is not going only going to have the regular team doctor, but an aerpdist and several of the medical staff look into him. there's no way you can sign him without knowing the physical condition of his neck. >> they will have to pay for peyton manning. >> that contract can be structured intelligently. so if he doesn't play say more than a year, it's not going to rue inyour franchise. what three places do you think he's most likely to go to? >> there are two places i look it. i would say it's miami, because of the weather, because of the conditions. that's understandable. he's been in a dome his entire career of 14 years. very good conditions to throw in. if there's any question at all about his throwing. why not go to another ideal situation. miami, i would say in the afc and arizona i think in the nfc.
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it's in a dome. arizona has an offense that has catered to a veteran quarterback in kurt warner. >> what should be factored in his decision? how would you look at it? >> if i'm peyton manning, i'm looking at a place that will win. money is not a factor i don't think. i place where he has a place to win and win a championship. >> the new york jets. >> any word for the giants? >> why wouldn't that be a perfect choice. he could come to new york and play with his big brother. the two of them would be a great -- >> to me, again, obviously, i think it's speaking selfishly cbs, i'd love to see him in new york. i think his brother is in the same city. >> it's a good thing. >> i think mark sanchez is a good young quarterback. >> of course he is. >> one thing about miami, the owner, steven ross, has been jilted by coaches he has wanted and he's failed to get either
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one. he has basically told the people in his organization, we got to get peyton manning even if it means getting one of his best friends. reggie wayne. >> not money for peyton manning? >> i think it will play some part. >> we have to go or we'll get in big trouble. nice to have you have both of you with us at the table. let's get you a quick look at the morning's headlines from around the globe. the new york times has a story on the last days of osama bin laden and the house where he lived in pakistan. a retired pakistani army officer says there was trouble after bin laden's oldest wife moved into that house. some relatives believe she was there to betray him. the australian newspaper reports on flooding in sid sydney after the heaviest rains in five years. hundreds of areas have been evacuated and other hard hit areas. one small town was evacuated after the levees around it filed. one year after the earthquake and tsunami, usa today reports on the reopening
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of an elementary school. they removed radioactive topsoil before letting them go back. an op-ed about a viral video campaign to expose an african warlord. he's accused of killing thousands of people in uganda and kidnapping thousands of children to be soldiers or sex slaves. activists are trying to get him this national weather report sponsored by the makers of
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zyrtec. love the air. stray von trayvon martin was visiting his family. now we're learning more about this young man who was shot dead. we'll have that story for you just ahead. you're watching "cbs this morning." this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by the u.s. postal service. filters. it can get really complicated. not nearly as complicated as shipping it though. i mean shipping is a hassle. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service.
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so i can breathe. the queen and katherine, together again. queen elizabeth visiting england and accompanied by the duchess. the second time that prince william's wife has gone out with her majesty on royal business. rather chum i there. welcome back to "cbs this mornin morning". hold news conference today, outraged that no one has been arrested in a case with serious racial overtones. mark strassmann is in sanford, florida. mark, good morning. >> good morning to you, charlie. there's a family inside this quiet subdivision here both grieving and frustrated.
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their unarmed teenage son was killed here and what they can't understand is why the gunman is still free when he has admitted pulling the trigger. >> he was lying right here? >> tracy martin's teenage son was shot dead on this patch of grass ten days ago and the gunman belonged to a neighborhood watch group. >> it must be odd to be here, huh? >> it is. >> 17-year-old trayvon martin, tray to his family, lived in miami. he loved horses and dreamed of becoming a pilot. this high school junior was visiting relatives last month when he was shot and kid inside this gated subdivision of town homes. >> he meant the world to me. he meant the world to his mother. it's just sad that he's been taken away from us. >> around 7:00 p.m. on sunday, february 26th, martin was walking the half mile back from this 7-eleven store where he bought an iced tea and a bag of skittles. at 7:17, 26-year-old george zimmerman a neighborhood watch member called police to report a
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suspicious person inside the subdivision. a dispatcher told zimmerman police were on the way and to let them handle it. but just two minutes later, six neighbors dialed 911 to report a fight and then a gunshot. >> tray martin shot once in the chest, laid dead on this walkway just 70 yards from the home where he was staying. he was unarmed. >> he was just up here just to relax and he wasn't up here to return home in a body bag. that's just a part that really tears me up. >> when tray was only nine, he pulled his father from a burning kitchen. >> he was my hero, you know what i'm saying? my son saved my life. for me not to be able to save his life is just -- is hard. >> sanford police have
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questioned zimmerman but not charged him. he had a legal permit to carry his concealed weapon. a .9 millimeter handgun. for now, he's a free man maintaining he acted in self-defense. >> zimmerman admitted shooting him? >> correct. >> he was armed and the victim was not armed? >> that's correct. >> but no arrest? >> no arrest. >> police chief bill lee says no one saw how or why the fight began. >> is the key question whether zimmerman acted in self-defense? >> yes. >> and that's what you have yet to establish? >> that's what we have yet to establish. we're trying to gather all of the information. >> tracy martin is sure that approximate anyone was trying to defend himself, it was his son. >> why would he attack this guy? he don't know this guy. what he going to attack him with, a pack of skittles. >> you understand their frustration. >> absolutely. i have a 16-year-old son and i couldn't imagine having to experience what they're
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experiencing. >> george zimmerman is a college student majoring in criminal justice. neighbors and police say he's lived somewhere else since the shooting. we couldn't reach him or find any trace of him online. tracy martin wants zimmerman to face a jury for killing tray. >> my kid went to the morgue and this guy went home and went to sleep in his bed. it's no justice in that. >> sanford police hope to finish up their case and get it to local prosecutors by this weekend. they are not releasing the half dozen 911 calls until that investigation is complete. charlie and erica, we're told that on one of those calls, you can hear the sound of the gunshot. >> mark s
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the military says more americans than ever are too fat to fight. we'll show you how that's impacting our nation's security. tomorrow, we'll reveal the five things your rental car company does not want you to know. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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critics will say on capitol hill that you want gas prices to go higher because that will wean the people off fossil fuels to renewable fuels. >> how is he going to respond? he's going to tap his strategic derision reserves. >> from a political perspective, do you think the president of the united states wants gas prices to go up higher? is that -- is there anybody here
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who thinks that makes a lot of sense? >> tell you what, ed, i'll answer your question as soon as i inflate this. [ laughter ] >> hundreds of military officials are joining together to fight a war here at home where calories are the enemy. >> the pentagon believes the obesity epidemic is a threat to our national security. whit johnson is with us. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. the u.s. military spends more than a billion dollars a year on medical care relating to weight and obesity. it means that finding new soldiers fit enough to fight has never been more challenging. >> before the ultimate test of basic training, 32-year-old lisa davenport is facing her biggest challenge yet. losing enough weight to join the army reserves. >> to be able to protect this country, i got to work harder. >> raised in a proud military
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family, lisa first tried to enlist last november weighing 172 pounds on her 5'2" frame. i was eating too much, on the go. i was eating out a lot. >> too heavy forearm i standards. >> go ahead. >> she needed to slim down. >> after four month on a new diet, daily running, lifting weights, lisa has dropped 22 pounds. still, not enough. based on the army's formula combining height, gender and age, lisa must lose four more pounds. >> got you at 32%. >> 32%. >> recruiter sergeant laura peterson is inspired by lisa's pro fres, she says the growing waistline of americans is shrinking those qualified to serve. >> have you seen the problem getting worse? >> definitely. the population is getting bigger. they don't move as much. >> 27% of 17 to 24-year-olds are too overweight for military service. over the past 50 years, the number of women considered
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ineligible due to weight has tripled. the number of men doubled. >> not just a major health issue, it's a national security issue. >> it's a battle within the military says james barnett, retired rear admiral. teaming up with 300 of his colleagues, he's fighting a new war against obesity with a powerful ally. first lady michelle obama recently announced sweeping changes to improve nutrition standards to 1.5 million troops at 1100 military dining facility across the country. >> we talk about nutrition, we're talking about healthy bodies, but also about healthy minds. nutrition affects strong bodies, strong minds. we need both. >> lisa's strong will is getting her close to making the cut. she hopes to be one example of how america's weight problem can be corrected. >> giving up is not an option. >> not at this point. huh-uh. >> so what happens first of all, welcome. >> good to be here. >> what happens if they gain the
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weight back? >> this is a big problem. lisa davenport would be the first to admit, the big challenge is keeping it off. she's going back to enlist next week for example. she's confident she can lose a couple of pounds. if she can't keep it off, she will be kicked out. they deal with this every day. they have to monitor the soldiers and make sure they're fit enough to fight on a consistent basis. >> let's bring in jose andres. he's a an advocate for health. welcome. >> hello. charlie. happy to be back. >> this has been your cause. tell us ha we node to do and what do we need to do now? >> first of all, charlie, i am so happy that the military are getting involved on this. actually, we need to tell americans that more than 60 retired admiral and generals
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created organization that they call mission readiness. what they are doing is actively going behind congress, going behind the white house, telling them we have to start providing the right lunches to our children. we need the children healthy. so what they are asking for is very simple. let's start putting junk food out of the schools. no sugary drinks. no high calorie diets with very low nutrient diet. let's bring more vegetables,let bring more fruits forward. if we start doing this at the school level, maybe when we receive the young recruits, we will have healthy americans joining the military. >> chef shall one. issues for a number of americans is access to these foods. people know what they're supposed to eat and know how to be healthier, but they can't always get those vegetables. how is that being addressed?
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>> well, what you are mentioning right here is what we call the food desert. areas around america where people don't have easy access to fruits and vegetables. this is the paradox of the american food policy. the usda, the u.s. department of agriculture under the leadership has changed over the last few years, the dietary guidelines. they are really pushing for more fruit and vegetables. now congress has to be listening to what the department of agriculture is saying. the subsidies that we are giving away to corn and to wheat and to the other two or three cereals are not the same subsidies we're giving to fruits and vegetables. so we need to be start treating fruits and vegetables in the same way we treat any other commodity. if we don't bring those prices lower, we don't make sure that
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americans have access to healthier fruits and vegetables, we are going to have a problem for the years to come. so we need to change today. >> whit, the military pervasively across the board is seriously committed to this? >> very committed. in fact, they're taking the lead on this. i was talking about with first lady's michelle obamas office and they say dod cares deeply about this. they have a new campaign hoping to unveil in the next five months or so. again, the dod has limits. everybody knows, everybody agrees that the real issue is childhood obesity. while the dod is implementing programs and better nutrition for some of the soldiers who are already in, what do you do for those in the future armed services. that's why they're trying to get the word out, working with michelle obama and retired generals to implement some of these programs. >> got to start young. nice to have you at the table,
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whit. chef andreas, always a pleasure. >> thank you. before you pre-order your ipad, stick around. we'll look at the new features. see why some people are saying, maybe i'm a little disappointed. you're watching "cbs this morning." cbs "healthwatch" sponsored by osteo bi-flex. it helps lubricate your joints to support mobility.
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yahoo is one of the most recognized names on the internet. but when the site first went live, it had a different name. the founders actually called it jerry and david's guide to the worldwide web. yahoo, little easier to say. thanks to our friends at mental floss for that. good choice. gayle king a look at what's coming up. he made headlines on the field as a star player for the miami dolphins but marshall thought he had anger management problems. he's here to talk about the diagnosis of what he really has. she turned a slimming idea into a big fat success. the creator of spanx, cara blakely. every mommy noah dors you and wears them. self-made billionaire. she gave -- you are the youngest
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self-made woman on the forbes billionaire's list. i love the name spanx. where did it come from? >> i made the name up. it makes people's mind wander. nobody ever forgets it. >> she got the sea foam memo today. you're watching "cbs this morning." headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life.
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. [ snoring ] [ clears throat ] hop to, gang. it's showtime. uh, do you know this guy? i'm not gonna cry, am i? only if you don't believe in the power of friendship. really? you guys are good. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. that's so cute, it's stupid.
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three weddings in one day. i'm going to be in spanx for 12 hours. my elastic -- >> good bra and a pair of spanx. >> i triple spanx. >> that's why you need baby spanx. the elastic shape ware that smoothes them out. >> i'm not ready for this. >> one of the best bodies here. >> he's wearing spanx. >> i know the jokes go on and on. guess what? some of us are wearing them too. good morning, i'm gayle king. >> i'm charlie rose with erica hill. forbes magazine, new list of billionaires highlight one of the newest names.
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sarah blakely, the inventor of spanx. >> she's the youngest woman to make the forbes list on her own with no help from an inheritance or a husband. >> her slimming garments have done countless help to women. hello to you. >> good morning. >> thank you to you. >> thank you. >> congratulations. when sarah sat down, tv viewing audience, she said charlie, i'm going to make you blush. >> that's a story there. i really didn't. congratulations. i have never seen the two of them so enthusiastic about somebody they wanted to pay homage to. >> thank you. >> explain to me what it is you created ha that has all these people a twitter. >> thank god for panty lines. that's how it all started. an unsightly panty line. you saw what? >> it is a great american story. what did you do? >> i basically didn't like the way my own rear end looked in white pants.
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i don't know if this happened to you. it's a real problem for women. i couldn't figure out what to wear under my clothe. the body shapers were like wearing workout clothes under your beautiful clothes. i cut the top out of the control top pantyhose. i realized it was perfect and that the hosiery material is thin enough to make it -- >> i only wish you had come to me and said i need a little money for investing. >> when you look at your life, you must think the other day when it's -- you're the second cover on forbes magazine. that's cool. >> right there. >> you're the second cover, which is a big deal. >> my heart racing when you hold that up. it reminds me of the booths you go in, in the mall and you get the paperback. like every time i see it, it makes me i went in a booth and picked that. >> what's so amazing is that you did this with no advertisement. >> no.
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>> can you imagine, erica, no advertising whatsoever. >> shape wear and the hosiery wasn't the most exciting. i think spanx, the name brought humor and life to it. gwyneth paltrow was one of the first to say that. it's the power of the brand. we've never formally advertised. >> you never gave up. i think this comes, if i read this correctly, from your dad who encouraged you to fail. >> yes, he did. my dad growing up used to encourage my brother and me at the dinner table at night. he would say what did you fail at this week? if we didn't have something to tell him, he would say that's too bad. it trains me, i would come home, daddy tried out for this and i was horrible. he would go, that's great and high five me. it gave my definition of failure became not trying. not the outcome. >> no risk, no gain? >> right. it changed up my thinking. it was a big gift that was given
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to me early on. >> we should say that sarah is happily married. you have a son. who is two. >> i think it's interesting for women who are very successful to be involved with relationships and when you and your husband jesse started dating, that he didn't know how much you made. you had to sit down and say to him what? >> yes. that's funny that was in the article. i was so nervous about it. >> about what? >> about telling him how much i -- >> i make a lot of money. i'm rich. >> i was a little uncomfortable about that. 30 or 40 days before ee were getting married, we had been engaged for six month. i said i really need to talk to you. we were at a restaurant. is she canceling the wedding. i think that spanx and i make more money than you think i do. he was like, that's it? that's what you have to tell me? i go yeah and talked to him about it. >> how much did he think you made? >> less. >> touche. >> his eyes filled up with tears and he said sarah, it could not have happened to a nicer person.
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that was it. no change in the relationship. i mean, he's just such a cool guy. you've met jesse. >> tell us about the future. what can this become? >> i'm inspired to make things more comfortable. i think fashion is paying attention to how things look. with a little more a teng, you can make them comfortable. that's been happening for a long time. people making the fashion aren't spending all day in them. i like that the women are getting more involved, especially in the shape wear. spanx created undershirt for men, charlie. >> it's called manx. >> spanx for men. that's the nickname. active wear, better fitting active ware that make women look slimmer at the gym. swimwear. i'm inspired to make spanx a lifestyle brand and cross over the categories. >> in new york this week there's a summit and it's about the empowerment of women and about women's story from around the
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world. what is your story saying? >> well, first of all, i'm so grateful that i'm a woman in america. i've always had that gratitude that i had the opportunity to pursue my potential. so i think my story says that when women are given the chance and the opportunity that we can achieve a lot. >> you deliver. >> we deliver. can make the world a better place one butt at a time. >> does anybody other than your father that made a difference in this journey that you have taken that led to such wonderful results? and in terms of you handling it so well. >> my mom is an artist. i got the creative part of myself from her. i'm close to my grandmother, nanny, i had a wonderful family. my brother. from afar, oprah winfrey has always been an inspiration to me and wayne dyer. a motivational speak he shall. i've been listening to his tapes since i was 16-year-old. >> a lot of people say they didn't set out to be rich. they set out because they had a
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idea. you didn't say how can i get really rich? how can i get on the list of billionaires. >> you said what can i do about my body? >> can i look better in white pants? >> it's a lesson i hear from entrepreneurs all the time. >> absolutely. as a woman it was a goal to be financially independent. i didn't want to depend on anyone else for that. but it was not the goal of the end goal. the goal was i want to go to this party in my white pants and here i am. >> you've got to say it's the coolest thing to see you on the forbes list. >> it's unbelievable. i have to completely pinch myself. >> we should point out -- we're out of time. you're giving back and helping women and young girls with the sarah blakely foundation. >> very important. >> thank you for being here. thank you. >> every morning when i get
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brandon marshall is one of the nfl's top pass catchers, but he faces an even bigger challenge off the field. we'll talk about the diagnosis that explains the trouble he's had over the years and we'll have a long story short about abercrombie & fitch pun punishing some workers in some unusual ways. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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chili's lunch break combos are full of delicious choices, starting at just 6 bucks. choose from savory favorites or our new philly cheesesteak sandwich. layers of shaved steak and grilled peppers served with fries and a tasty soup or salad. chili's lunch break combos. i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth!
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thank you! le, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. you're looking at video here from brazil. there was a group of 30 dolphins that beached themselves. if you can see here, a lot of the locals came out to help them. got them back out and
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potentially helped rescue the dolphins. nice work there. >> i always like when this happens. as we looked around the web shall we found a few reasons to make a long story short. according to e-online, whitney houston's will is released. she left everything she has to her daughter. we don't know what she'll get but the money is in a trust. bobbi kristina won't receive any of it until her 30th birthday. bobby brown, her ex-husband, received nothing. in britain shall the guardian reports that employees at app abercrombie & fitch store had to work off -- male employees were forced to do ten pushups every time they messed up. female employees had to do squats. who knew they were in milan? >> we do now. heads up married people. according -- march is a big month for divorce. divor-i-v-o-r-c-
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d-i-v-o-r-c-e. more couples file for divorce in march than any other month. the term divorce hit a peak in the month of march. everything okay at home? >> you know what, everything is great but thank you for asking. the huffington post has a list of the healthiest cities according to four square. number one on the list, honolulu. gayle, i think we should check that out for ourselves. >> i'm game. always game. a lesson on the power of social media. focuses on all the websites it does posted a video of joseph kony. few people had heard of him until yesterday. but now that this individual joe has gotten millions of hits because of a campaign to try to get him arrested and tried as a war criminal. as we mentioned early yir, apple introduced the new ipad with a better camera, crisper screen. she's trying to say. >> it's delicious. >> wall street is not impressed. apple stock gained only 43 cents yesterday. that's long story short.
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i swear it seems like we got the apple 2 yesterday. let's go back to joseph kony for a sec. that website is up to 26 million views. mainly because of the guy, the california filmmaker jason russell who did a documentary while teaching his own son approximate how bad this guy is taking kids into trafficking and sexual slavery. so 26 million people in and the hope is yesterday when i went to the game change premiere, everybody was talking about that on the red carpet. the hope is that there will be enough awareness that people will do something. >> but the atrocities is almost an understatement of what's going on there. >> the power of social media. >> alzheimer's is becoming an 'em dem i can. we'll show you how to fight it off. you're watching "cbs this morning." this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by green mountain coffee. a revelation in every cup.
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alzheimer's disease takes a terrible toll, robbing patients of their memory, their minds and ultimately their life. a new report says it will cost the u.s. $200 billion, 200 billion with a b, this year alone. more than 5 million americans now have alzheimer's. >> dr. gary small director of the longevity center has a new plan to fight it. his book, the alzheimer's prevention program, keep your brain healthy for the rest of your life. good morning. >> good morning. >> can we just say, charlie, before you start, you're the only one at the table who said that's a beautiful brain scan. have you ever heard those words? >> that was a first. i hadn't looked at it. i didn't know what he was talking about. we don't have a brain scan here. i thought it was something i didn't know. obviously the idea that we can do something to prevent alzheimer's is good news for lots of people because of the overwhelming number of statistics we see because of
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living longer and secondly, the amount of money being spent to try to find some kind of cure and/or prevention. >> we have 80 million baby boomers who just last year started turning 65. so we have a wave of people who are at risk. age is a single greatest risk factor and people are concerned about their everyday memories, what they can do about it. if we just took 1% of the $200 billion we're spending each year, that would make a big difference. that would be $2 billion for alzheimer's research. right now we're spending $6 billion on cancer research. we really need to invest more in research to find a cure. but while we're waiting for science to catch up, there is something we can do. genetics accounts for only part of the risk for developing alzheimer's disease. that means that nongenetic factors, brain healthy lifestyles, decisions we make every day can have an impact on
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how our brains age. possibly delay the onset of symptoms. >> we should be doing what? >> we should be doing physical exercise, we should be doing mental exercise. eat a brain healthy diet, manage our stress. when we combine these strategies, the science tells us that there's a possibility we can delay the onset of symptoms. maybe one, two, four or more years. for many people that would mean never getting the symptoms in their life. >> some people have said and argued that one of the tranl disof always mimers is by the time you recognize you have, it's too late to delay it. >> scientists are trying to develop treatments that will protect a rehealthy brain rathe than try to repair brain cells once they've died. that's our strategy at ucla. many people are using that strategy and that's the strategy of the alzheimer's prevention program, to engage in brain
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healthy lifestyles to protect a healthy brain. so simple things. like taking a brisk walk every day. 20, 30 minutes a day. >> most people can do that. i'm more knocked out by the numbers that you brought. the millions and mms illions of dollars. why does it cost so much? >> you have so many people, 5.4 million people with alzheimer's disease in this country. 10, 20 million with mild cognitive impairment at risk. care-givers have to take care of them. they use up more medicare dollars. more likely to end up in the emergency room, not follow their medical illnesses. there's lots of complications to the illness. it means that we really have to be aggressive about this disease and do something about it. >> great to see you. thank you so much. wise words for those people faced with what many people think is an increasingly pervasive disease. >> hopefully we're close. thank you, doctor. >> speaking of aging, tony
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bennett is here at 85. he had a number one hit. no one has ever done that before. you're watching "cbs this morning." achoo! nasal allergy symptoms
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starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the nfl has been in the headlines this past week for a number of reasons. from the bounty hunter scandal to peyton manning's release from the colts. one player who may catch a few passes from manning if the quarterback epds up in miami is star receiver brandon marshall.
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>> best known as one of the nfl's bad boys off the field. been arrested for drunk driving, domestic violence issues and for years called an underachiever. borderline personality disorder explains much of his behavior. >> he finished the 2011 as mvp of the pro bowl after finishing his treatment. brandon marshall, we welcome you. listen, the story on you was not so good for a long time. he was very angry, has a screw loose, what's wrong with him. did you think that you had a problem? >> at first, no. it was a lot of rectifying and defensiveness. >> did you think i'm just mad? >> honestly, you know, i didn't know what was going on. at first, it was pointing the finger at everyone else. and it wasn't until this past off season that i finally recognized, got the proper help
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that there was some things that i needed to change and work on. >> what did they tell you borderline personality disorder was or is? >> it's an emotional disorder. it's highly stigmatized. one of the most stigmatized disorders out there but most treatable. clinicians and professionals are scared of it because they're not trained properly and it's an emotional disorder. with the proper help and skills, you can live an effective healthy life. >> tell us what you were like. i really want to know what you were like. >> basically, there was no filter. you know, my nickname -- i would disagree with you, i wouldn't say i was an underachiever. that's one of the things -- >> in my introduction. at a pro bowl, broke a few records. one of the highest paid -- >> i stand corrected. >> to say this, with all of that said, you know, off the field
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things are just in shambles. you know, my nickname i received the nickname the beast and you got to have a switch. you have to be able to turn that light switch off when you walk off the field and i was the beast on the field and off. >> then you were diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and you're campaigning now to create awareness about it. >> yeah. >> what do you have to do now that you know you have this condition? >> well, the thing is, i went through intensive program, intensive treatment last year. >> you went through therapy, didn't you? >> we should really talk about that. because it's very unusual for black men in particular to admit that they have a problem. to seek out therapy and you're publicly saying, i needed treatment, i went to therapy. >> yeah. that process was kind of difficult for me in two ways. it was very exciting time of my life because i truly believed that i'm not here on this earth just to catch passes and break
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records. i'm here to use my celebrity and this platform to be a voice. and you know, to go public and to make my situation more vulnerable was very scary. but so far, we have helped thousands of people and we're excited about it and we look forward to moving on. >> she raises a good point. what about other players, how have they responded to the fact that you're out front? >> like gayle said, therapy was huge for me. it not only gave me a different perspective on myself and life but also, you know, being able to help others. other players. there's been referees that pulled me to the side before the game that talked to me about issues with their wife or themselves or -- >> pulling you aside, saying, hey, thank you for speaking out
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i got the same problem. >> yeah. we've gotten calls out of facility if hall of fame players and guys around the league that may be in the same situation or maybe need a direction to work towards and getting help for a family member or themselves. >> i want to talk about the status of your marriage. because it was widely reported there was a domestic incident at your house. your wife stabbed you and was charged with stabbing you. but she is here today. >> yes. >> she's here today. it says to me that the two of you have worked it out. >> well, yes. >> how are you two navigating? >> that was reported that it was a stabbing. that's what the police report said. but like i said, it's not about a single incident. the entirety of this situation, you know, my wife is an amazing woman. like you say, she's here today. she's still beside me because she took a lot of -- she took a lot from the media and our
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community and made her look to be a bad person. it was me. >> you want to correct that. >> i want to correct that. my wife, with this disorder, it's not just the patient ho suffers, it's the families. the circle. it's the friends. >> i am still trying to figure out exactly what it is, though, charlie. do you -- i still don't understand what you do or how you behave. i'm trying to figure out exactly what it is. >> borderline personality disorders presents itself in hundreds of ways. my story is different than everyone else's. for me, you know, there was a lot of isolation, there was some depression. i couldn't regulate my emotions. like i said, i was a beast on the field and a beast off the field. >> speaking of a beast on the field, what can you tell us about this bounty business? >> the bounty business? you know what, it's football. there is a fraternity, there's a
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brotherhood where you want to protect guys because we're fighting for the same reason. we're fighting for guys that came before us and after us. but you want to protect each other. but at the same time, you know, it's a violent game. like i said, i've said before -- >> you're an offensive player we should point out. >> the best ones, they have that knack for contact. >> peyton manning, how bad do you want peyton manning to be there and how bad would you like to have -- to know that if in fact you go out to do your pattern, one of the great players could put it in your hands? >> well, it would be a privilege to play with a quarterback, better yet a person -- >> my guess is it would be better than a privilege. >> we have a quarterback under contract now. >> with great respect to him, of course. tell me this. to be a wide receiver, the quarterback has to put the ball where you're going to be, not
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where you are. >> yeah. >> are those passes really hard? do they just float into your hands? >> you know, depends. depends on the quarterback. you got guys like jay cutler who may break a finger every once in a while and you got guys like pennington who is going to place it in your hand like it was a loaf of bread. >> we would prefer the floating loaf of bread. thanks for speaking, brandon. >> thank you for speaking out. >> very nice to meet you. it is a great day in studio 57. we've had sarah blakely and
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hey california, it's cold and it's damp ♪ that's why the lady is a tramp ♪ that's why the lady is a
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tramp ♪ >> wow. don't we like the two of them together. y'all go first. yes we do. tony bennett and lady gaga. he's been delighting audiences for more than 60 years. and he's still making great music. >> muj success he is with duets ii. he released a new version, the great performances on dvd. welcome. great to see you. >> thank you very much. good to see you. >> pleasure is ours. i promise you. thank you. the pleasure is ours. how do you do it? >> i love what i do. >> still, tony. >> i'm never going to retire. i really am interested in learning all the time. and i love what i do. i love entertaining an audience and making them feel good. >> are you still learning? you're tony bennett and people are trying to be tony bennett. what more do you want to learn?
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that's a better question. >> there's a lot. >> there's a lot. >> this is of curious man, i can tell you all the conversations. how much of what you have is for lack of a better word got god given and how much is someone who wanted to express himself and use what skills he had. >> i had a wonderful upbringing with an italian american family during the depression and everybody stayed close to one another. all my aunt and uncles and nephews and nieces and they would encourage us, you know. they told me that i was a good singer and look at how he paints and so i'm very -- remember very clearly saying this is this is -- they created a passion in me. i said this is who i am. and i've always had this passion throughout my life to keep
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improving. >> was it sinatra who said you had great pipes? >> yeah, yeah. >> i think -- >> it was a great compliment. changed my whole career. >> he said that? >> all his fans said -- what he was saying and i've been sold out ever since all over the world. >> this isn't what's so fascinating to me tony, you're with gaga, john mayer. your voice goes with everybody. i was thinking how would that work. >> your voice goes with everybody. >> you need a contrast. it's easy to do duets with ladies because you can hear the difference in the voices. ranges and all. it's a lot of fun because as duets i went into millions of records and now this one is doing the same thing. >> with willie nelson. i love the willie nelson track. you and willie nelson.
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i would have never thought of that. >> what i like about it is, looking back at the project, it's the first time that young people are singing intelligent, popular music, classical songs, great american song book. it's the first time they just -- not just following your passion and get louder than the next person and all that. it got back to just singing good songs and i can't believe what a good job they all did. >> are there people you've always wanted to sing with? >> a lot of them. >> a lot of them are on this duet i and ii. >> right. >> what do you look for? what kind of thing makes it best to engage in a duet with? >> a contrast. >> the contrast you said, yeah. >> the two different voices. so that the public will know who is singing it at what time. >> you can always tell. >> the difference. >> he still paints every day too. >> we think alike.
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you mentioned painting. >> every day. >> what does it mean to you, tony? >> i'm in three major museums now. i have three in the smithsonian shall the butler institute and the all-american museum in youngstown, ohio has my painting in there. >> he doesn't paint under the name tony bennett. >> no. it's benedetto. bob hope gave me my name tony bennett. >> is that right? >> how did that happen? >> i was actually on an amateur show with rosemary clooney and we both started out. we -- he came in first, i came in second. rightfully so because she's such a beautiful lady and wonderful singer. everything happened for us, pearl bailey saw me and put me in her show in greenwich village and bob hope got a big kick out of me and changed my name to tony bennett sneet you're a national treasure. >> thank you very much, sir
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you're very nice. so are you. >> it's an honor to have you. >> he's very nice too. >> tony, thank you. >> thank you. >> there's an incredible new soccer ball that can really light up your life. seriously. we'll meet the women who kicked this idea around and came up with a winner. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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good housekeeping magazine calls it a historic and heroic idea. high praise for something that looks like an ordinary soccer ball. >> that's right. it really does look like a regular old soccer ball. but it's more than that. it's a power source for small electronic devices. something that the developing world as you know, desperately needs. two harvard grads, jessica matthews and julia silverman came up with the socket. you're holding the socket.
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>> i am. >> nice to see you guys. >> nice to see you. thank you for having us. >> first you think harvard and brainiacs. which of course you are that. what's fascinating to me about this story, you decided to take a class not for engineering majors. you went in the class and you did what? you thought what? >> well, we both had the background in kind of developing contacts and -- jessica is nigerian. we had not the technical expertise to draw on but our stories. we took stories from the village. everybody had this strong love of soccer. but almost nobody has consistent access to electricity. >> i mean, the class was basically art science, using that to effect change. we didn't have the science side but we understood the art. we knew there was a beauty in play. that that happiness was something that we should try to harness and amplify. >> how does it work?
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imt think it's simple. it's off high school fiscal eex. harnesses kinetic nrm. inside the ball there's a gyroscope that's rolling as the ball is also rolling. then it harnesses that kinetic energy that's generated during play, stores it in a battery. then you can plug appliances into it. >> we brought one of our lights today and you turn it on. >> isn't that cool. >> say you bounce it around 15 minutes. you could have a light for how long to read by? >> it depends for who is playing. usually 30 minutes of play, gives you three hours of led light with our mass produced led lights. >> go ahead. >> the smaller ones. >> i'm doing show and tell. >> this is actually a model. we have to have a new model coming out. we're releasing it in june. that's the one that's going to be that much more energy efficient. will be able to power your cell phone and iphone.
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>> which is huge. one of the things that struck me when i was in kenya at a refugee camp. everybody has a cell phone. you don't have electricity if nothing else. but everybody has a cell phone. >> i had to update my cell phone because my cousins were laughing at me. they're in nigeria. they're like, wow, that's your phone. >> is it expensive? >> funny enough, our new version is going to be one-third the cost of what people are normally spending on one kerosene lamp over the year. it's cost effective for the end user and definitely unbelievably cost effective for what you pay for a soccer ball. >> give me a number, jessica. how much is that? >> a family for kerosene, which is the alternative to electricity for many people around the world, they can spend 10 to 30% of their annual income just on kerosene. again, that's not very long. we don't have an exact number yet for what we're offering the ball for wholesale and eventually later this year, to
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everyone in any community. but it is going to be about the same price as a mid to high end soccer ball. >> do you know sarah blakely? >> yeah. met her in the green room. i told her during the early proto tie typing, tightening in materials that were revolved. there are a few prototypes. >> this is someone who does good and entrepreneurial idea as well. like spanx. >> there is no reason why you can't do it. >> where is the ball actually being -- you can buy them on your webb site. $60 buy a ball and sent somewhere else. where are those places it's being used? >> in central america and africa primarily right now. we don't have any geographical bias. that's where we have funding. we're always looking for supporters. we're in mexico, el salvador, south africa, heading to haiti and the gambia later this year.
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>> thinking outside the bobbing. thank you. >> jessica and julia, thanks. that does it for us.
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